Health IT Staff Resume Screening Tool
Health IT Staff Resume Screening Tool

Health IT Staff Resume Screening Tool

This is a list of key words and phrases that can be used to pre-screen resumes for HIT/QI jobs to help quickly identify candidates for an additional screen.

Health IT Staff Recruitment Strategies
Health IT Staff Recruitment Strategies

Health IT Staff Recruitment Strategies

This resource provides ideas about the latest recruiting tips used by community health centers as well as leading organizations from other industries. Review the strategies and identify ones that could work in your organization.  Adapt them as necessary to fit your particular needs and resources.

Health IT Interviewing Questions
Health IT Interviewing Questions

Health IT Interviewing Questions

This resource provides a list of sample questions that can be used to interview job candidates. The questions are organized into four categories: 1) questions for HIT staff positions; 2) questions for quality improvement staff positions; 3) questions for either position; and 4) questions for senior HIT or Quality positions.  

SAFER-1 High Priority Practices
SAFER-1 High Priority Practices

SAFER-1 High Priority Practices

The High Priority Practices SAFER Guide identifies “high risk” and “high priority” recommended safety practices intended to optimize the safety and safe use of EHRs. It broadly addresses the EHR safety concerns discussed in greater detail in the other eight SAFER Guides.

SAFER-2 Organizational Responsibilities
SAFER-2 Organizational Responsibilities

SAFER-2 Organizational Responsibilities

The Organizational Responsibilities SAFER Guide identifies individual and organizational responsibilities (activities, processes, and tasks) intended to optimize the safety and safe use of EHRs. A safe EHR implementation is critically dependent on the people involved.
