Health Center Value Proposition Template
Health Center Value Proposition Template

Health Center Value Proposition Template

This customizable document uses health center data to support them in demonstrating their value to potential partners and key stakeholders. The document provides evidence for how health centers align with the Triple Aim.

Introduction to Value-Based Payment for Health Centers
Introduction to Value-Based Payment for Health Centers

Introduction to Value-Based Payment for Health Centers

This HITEQ brief introduces value-based payment and role of health centers as payment models shift. The brief answers key questions about health centers’ engagement in value-based payment, including health-center specific Alternative Payment Methodology (APM), reasons to engage in payment reform, the shifts in primary care payment going forward, and the transition to value-based payment.

What MACRA Means for Health Centers
What MACRA Means for Health Centers

What MACRA Means for Health Centers

This HITEQ brief outlines Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) MACRA, what it signals for payment reform, and when it impacts health centers.
