How EHRs Can Be Leveraged to Streamline Social Needs Screening
How EHRs Can Be Leveraged to Streamline Social Needs Screening

How EHRs Can Be Leveraged to Streamline Social Needs Screening

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council and the HITEQ Center hosted a free webinar on Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, from 2 – 3 pm Eastern (1 - 2 pm Central) where they taught participants how to screen for housing status and other Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) measures that can be introduced or better integrated into health center clinical workflows. Presenters shared guidance on implementing and systematizing social needs data collection in Electronic Health Records (EHRs), followed by a panel of expert health center representatives who spoke about their programs’ journeys with social needs screening programs. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions, share successes, or discuss specific challenges they faced regarding social needs screening. 

While this webinar focused on health care for the homeless (HCH) health centers, anyone involved directly in social needs screening or interested in improving screening processes was welcome to attend.

HITEQ Highlights: PrEP Process Mapping Team Toolkit Demonstration
HITEQ Highlights: PrEP Process Mapping Team Toolkit Demonstration

HITEQ Highlights: PrEP Process Mapping Team Toolkit Demonstration

Is your health center currently in the process of implementing or revamping your pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) workflow? This HITEQ webinar taught participants how to use our PrEP Process Mapping Toolkit, which is designed to support team-based learning, reflection, and action on the use of process mapping as a tool to document PrEP clinical and EHR workflows. Your health center team can follow the steps outlined in the toolkit to develop a process map of an existing or planned PrEP service workflow and to identify opportunities to streamline and improve that workflow.

HITEQ Highlights: Crossing The Chasm of Innovation - One FQHC's Journey to Operationalize its Telehealth Strategy
HITEQ Highlights: Crossing The Chasm of Innovation - One FQHC's Journey to Operationalize its Telehealth Strategy

HITEQ Highlights: Crossing The Chasm of Innovation - One FQHC's Journey to Operationalize its Telehealth Strategy

In this HITEQ Highlights webinar, we focused on the intersection of telehealth strategy and operations. One health center's experience of leveraging telehealth as a tool for expanding service delivery and patient access will be a jumping off point from which to consider the benefits (and challenges) of dedicated telehealth resources within an organization. Participants learned how telehealth might benefit recruitment efforts and review relevant resources for ongoing telehealth support.

ONC Tech Forum: Accelerating FHIR Adoption and Improving Scalability
ONC Tech Forum: Accelerating FHIR Adoption and Improving Scalability

ONC Tech Forum: Accelerating FHIR Adoption and Improving Scalability

Join us for a moderated panel discussion with developers and implementers about the future FHIR ecosystem. Panelists will provide their perspectives on the impact of FHIR adoption and implementation on healthcare, addressing questions such as: what use cases will see greatest adoption (and what will happen to CCDA)? What challenges will we have to solve as more granular data is searchable over FHIR APIs? How will FHIR impact user experience of accessing health information?

HITEQ Highlights: What to Do About Health IT Hazards Associated with Copy and Paste in the EHR
HITEQ Highlights: What to Do About Health IT Hazards Associated with Copy and Paste in the EHR

HITEQ Highlights: What to Do About Health IT Hazards Associated with Copy and Paste in the EHR

Copy and paste functionality can support efficiency during clinical documentation, but may promote inaccurate documentation with risks for patient safety. This webinar will discuss three key areas where health centers can consider implementing safe practice recommendations:

  • Define copy and paste as a health IT safety issue by identifying the potential patient safety risks
  • Review safe practice recommendations and implementation strategies to mitigate health IT-related hazards and safety issues
  • Disseminate evidence, tools and practices for implementation