Making Meaning of UDS Data with HITEQ UDS Clinical Quality Dashboards
Making Meaning of UDS Data with HITEQ UDS Clinical Quality Dashboards

Making Meaning of UDS Data with HITEQ UDS Clinical Quality Dashboards

Health centers have the power to analyze their UDS data through the HITEQ UDS Clinical Quality Dashboards, which were recently updated with the latest UDS data to include 10 years' worth of clinical information. HITEQ hosted a webinar to learn about the multiple ways that the dashboards can present your organizations’ clinical data across years, and compare it to customized comparison groups of other health centers, to explore potential drivers of results. The HITEQ UDS Clinical Quality Dashboards have evolved and improved each year to provide new analysis options. The Dashboards present the UDS data in a flexible and readily understandable graphical format and deliver an organization-specific version of the content to each health center, HCCN, and PCA via a web interface built on Tableau. Each organization's access allows them to see the data relevant to their center while protecting the data of other organizations.

Health centers, HCCN, and PCAs joined HITEQ to see how the dashboards can provide them with data to answer many questions such as: 

  • As a homeless health center, how does our clinical quality compare to homeless health centers nationally?
  • As a small health center, which we choose to define as those with <10,000 medical patients, does it appear that our size is a driver of our clinical results compared to other health centers?
  • How have the trends in my clinical outcomes over the past 5 years compared to similar health centers in states that I consider relevant to mine?
HITEQ Highlights: Is Zero Burnout Possible in Primary Care? Insights from Recently Published Findings Among 715 Practices
HITEQ Highlights: Is Zero Burnout Possible in Primary Care? Insights from Recently Published Findings Among 715 Practices

HITEQ Highlights: Is Zero Burnout Possible in Primary Care? Insights from Recently Published Findings Among 715 Practices

Drawing on recently published research from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s EvidenceNOW initiative, Dr. Samuel Edwards shared insights for primary care practices seeking to assess and address provider burnout. Dr. Edwards highlighted associations between the use of quality improvement strategies, EHR capabilities, and satisfaction among practices with zero-burnout versus high-burnout. Key, and sometimes surprising, takeaways regarding leadership, workplace environment and culture, EHR use, and more from this research were discussed.

Population Health Learning Network (PHLN) Toolkit
Population Health Learning Network (PHLN) Toolkit

Population Health Learning Network (PHLN) Toolkit

This toolkit is a compilation of tools and resources shared over the course of the Center for Care Innovation's Population Health Learning Network (PHLN) which convened 25 safety net primary care organizations over the course of two years to learn, share, build, and refine care models and implement strategies to strengthen and advance their population health management (PHM) efforts.

PRAPARE Workflow Implementation
PRAPARE Workflow Implementation

PRAPARE Workflow Implementation

When initiating a new data collection initiative, it is important to educate key staff on the importance of collecting data on the social determinants of health and how it fits into the activities that your organization is already doing. This portion of NACHC and AAPCHO's toolkit contains resources to help you think through how to train staff in collecting data on the social determinants of health in a way that fits best in your workflow. 

PrEP Checklist for Providers
PrEP Checklist for Providers

PrEP Checklist for Providers

As health centers integrate PrEP for HIV prevention into their primary care services, it is important to align with the latest guidance and research. The PrEP checklist from UNC School of Medicine's North Carolina HIV Training & Education Center offers step-by-step detailed guidance for providing PrEP. This checklist can be used to inform workflow, EHR, and other health IT updates including order sets and clinical decision support. It can also be used as a reference for providers who are newer to providing PrEP who are prompted or alerted to a patient's potential need for HIV prevention services.
