Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Need Screening Program in Health Centers
Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Need Screening Program in Health Centers

Lessons Learned: Implementing and Expanding Social Need Screening Program in Health Centers

This HITEQ Highlights webinar presented promising practices and key considerations informed by health centers across the US who are successfully collecting, monitoring, and addressing social need data. 

Health centers are increasingly interested in implementing social need screening tools to identify ways to advance whole-person care and community-level health. However, implementing social needs screening tools requires a great deal of investment with regards to securing buy-in from leadership and staff, configuring the EHR, and developing processes and workflows for addressing positive screens. While addressing social needs in the context of healthcare is not new, systematically collecting, monitoring, and acting on data is an emerging space. With many health centers now trialing this implementation process, there are a number of promising practices that might be valuable to health centers considering this next step. This webinar offered key takeaways and examples to guide health centers through the implementation process, or help health centers with existing social needs screening programs to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement in their EHRs and workflows.


PCA/ HCCN Listening Session: Digital Health: Building and sustaining a connected health environment for comprehensive care
PCA/ HCCN Listening Session: Digital Health: Building and sustaining a connected health environment for comprehensive care

PCA/ HCCN Listening Session: Digital Health: Building and sustaining a connected health environment for comprehensive care

This was the second of the approximately 5 listening sessions HITEQ is hosting through the end of 2022. The purpose of these listening sessions is to understand the gaps in resources and guidance for health centers in specific areas of focus. HITEQ is bringing HCCNs and PCAs to the table for these in order to get the invaluable perspective of those who work with the health centers each day as well as where HITEQ can share valuable national insight.

PCAs and HCCNs who are working on SDoH-specific activities with their health centers, as well as those considering ways to assist their health centers with social risk screening should join for peer sharing. Register using the form below or email HITEQinfo@jsi.com to join!

Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program Session 1: Assessing and Designing a Telehealth Technology Strategy
Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program Session 1: Assessing and Designing a Telehealth Technology Strategy

Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program Session 1: Assessing and Designing a Telehealth Technology Strategy

The Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program learning collaborative series focuses on best practices, common solutions, key considerations, and other strategies for success when implementing telehealth technologies in a health center. Apply to join this health center learning collaborative here.  

Health centers will participate in four structured virtual sessions where they will engage with subject matter expert, Rachel Dixon, President and Executive Director of Prime Health, and in didactic learning and peer sharing and discussion. Session topics will include: assessing technology and identifying best practices for streamlining telehealth workflows,  aligning telehealth technology with financial sustainability, telehealth technology vendor considerations, and operationalizing telehealth technology strategies.

This series is particular to health centers and oriented to:

  • Health centers that may have started a telehealth program, but pulled back and are not sure how to go forward, or

  • Health centers that have started telehealth implementation, have some experience and are ready to take a step back and reassess the technology you are using, and

  • Health centers that are ready to think about alignment of their telehealth strategy with long term financial stability.

Learning Collaborative Structure and Expectations: 

  • All sessions will be hosted by HITEQ using Zoom Meeting and start at 12:00 ET.  The sessions will last about 90 minutes.

  • The learning collaborative is open to staff of health center organizations across the nation. Primary Care Associations and Health Center Controlled Networks are welcome to attend with a health center in their network.

  • It is ideal for health centers to identify a team of 2 – 3 multidisciplinary staff to attend each session. Teams may include staff in leadership, IT, quality improvement, and/or clinical roles.

  • Sessions will be interactive and engaging. Participants are encouraged to join by video.

  • Health center teams will have homework following sessions 1, 2 and 3.  

All sessions are scheduled to begin at 12:00 ET and will last 90 minutes. The session schedule is:

Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program Session 2: Aligning Telehealth Technology with Financial Sustainability
Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program Session 2: Aligning Telehealth Technology with Financial Sustainability

Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program Session 2: Aligning Telehealth Technology with Financial Sustainability

The Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program learning collaborative series focused on best practices, common solutions, key considerations, and other strategies for success when implementing telehealth technologies in a health center. 

Health centers participated in four structured virtual sessions where they engaged with subject matter expert, Rachel Dixon, President and Executive Director of Prime Health, and in didactic learning and peer sharing and discussion. Session topics included: assessing technology and identifying best practices for streamlining telehealth workflows, aligning telehealth technology with financial sustainability, telehealth technology vendor considerations, and operationalizing telehealth technology strategies.

This series was particular to health centers and oriented to:

  • Health centers that may have started a telehealth program, but pulled back and are not sure how to go forward, or

  • Health centers that have started telehealth implementation, have some experience and are ready to take a step back and reassess the technology you are using, and

  • Health centers that are ready to think about alignment of their telehealth strategy with long term financial stability.


Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program Session 3: Shopping for Telehealth Technologies - How to Choose a Vendor
Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program Session 3: Shopping for Telehealth Technologies - How to Choose a Vendor

Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program Session 3: Shopping for Telehealth Technologies - How to Choose a Vendor

The Streamlining IT Infrastructure for a Successful Telehealth Program learning collaborative series focused on best practices, common solutions, key considerations, and other strategies for success when implementing telehealth technologies in a health center. 

Health centers participated in four structured virtual sessions where they engaged with subject matter expert, Rachel Dixon, President and Executive Director of Prime Health, and in didactic learning and peer sharing and discussion. Session topics included: assessing technology and identifying best practices for streamlining telehealth workflows, aligning telehealth technology with financial sustainability, telehealth technology vendor considerations, and operationalizing telehealth technology strategies.

This series is particular to health centers and oriented to:

  • Health centers that may have started a telehealth program, but pulled back and are not sure how to go forward, or

  • Health centers that have started telehealth implementation, have some experience and are ready to take a step back and reassess the technology you are using, and

  • Health centers that are ready to think about alignment of their telehealth strategy with long term financial stability.

