Ending the HIV Epidemic Resources
Health Center Dashboard Design Guide
Molly Rafferty

Health Center Dashboard Design Guide

HITEQ Center, July 2024, Developed with Amanda Makulec

Having rapid access to data in health centers is critical to managing clinics, using operational data to improve care, and reporting quality measures. Quality, accessible data in health care can do more than feature in reports and accountability systems: effective communication of information can improve quality of care, alignment to evidence-based care principles, and data-informed decision making. Charts, graphs, maps, and other data visualizations play a key role in making information accessible. Visualizations make the patterns in large datasets rapidly apparent, showing when numbers are going up or down, performance compared to goals, comparison between patient groups, and more. The purpose of this resource is to provide a comprehensive guide to user-centered dashboard design for health center staff. The accompanying workbook provides a guided series of prompts and questions for health center dashboard developers.

 Download the guide and the workbook in the Documents to Download Section below.

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One of the key strategies for Ending the HIV Epidemic includes diagnosing people with HIV as early as possible. HITEQ has curated a few strategies to help you leverage your EHR to identify clients in need of HIV screening to get your health center one step closer to ending the HIV epidemic in your communities.