Business Case for Person-Centered Care
Business Case for Person-Centered Care

Business Case for Person-Centered Care

This resource will equip health center stakeholders with the motivation, knowledge, and ability needed to collect and use standardized social determinants of health data.

Using your EHR for Population Health Management
Using your EHR for Population Health Management

Using your EHR for Population Health Management

Health centers are interested in managing population health but may not have the budget needed to purchase specialty suites. This tool will guide health centers in leveraging the “built in” functionality of certified EHRs to perform PHM functions by mapping the native PHM functionality available in the common certified EHRs used by health centers.  The aim is to help health centers to understand where to start in implementing PHM using what they already have available to them.

Health Datapalooza
Health Datapalooza

Health Datapalooza

The 8th Annual Health Datapalooza is the gathering place for people and organizations creating knowledge from data and pioneering innovations that drive health policy and practice. Registration is available for attendance via webinar and in-person.

Hospice Quality Reporting Program: Public Reporting Webinar
Hospice Quality Reporting Program: Public Reporting Webinar

Hospice Quality Reporting Program: Public Reporting Webinar

During this webinar, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will discuss the new Preview Reports for Hospices that will be available to providers in the near future. Participants will gain an understanding of how to access these reports, how to interpret the contents of these reports, and what to do if they believe their report contains an error.

Enabling Services Data Collection
Enabling Services Data Collection

Enabling Services Data Collection

This Enabling Services Implementation Packet, from AAPCHO, serves as a guide for health centers who wish to codify and track enabling services. The packet was developed as a standardized data collection model to improve data collection on these essential services, and better understand them and their impact on health care access and outcomes.
