Community Health Assessment for Population Health Improvement
Community Health Assessment for Population Health Improvement

Community Health Assessment for Population Health Improvement

Targeting care and effective planning for improving population health requires good information about current health status and the factors that will influence that health status.  This report identifies the metrics – the population health outcomes and important risk and protective factors – that, taken together, can describe the health of a community and drive action. Selection of these metrics is  based on a systematic review of professional and academic judgment over the past three decades.  

The Power of Demographic Data
The Power of Demographic Data

The Power of Demographic Data

This features a presentation entitled “The Power of Demographic Data:  Leveraging Demographic Data to Increase Access in a Data-Driven Culture”,  and is one of five presenting use cases for analytics.  It was recorded during the Safety Net Analytics Program of 2015 that discusses real-world applications of analytics emerging under new payment models. The use cases presented are health-center specific and provide examples of validating and applying UDS data entities.  The discussion includes ways to gather demographic data from patients, how to collect usable data, extracting actionable data and the implications of demographic variation on care and information delivery.

Dental Dashboard
Dental Dashboard

Dental Dashboard

This health center-tested Dental Dashboard, created by NNOHA and partners, is an interactive resource that allows users to monitor a set of dental measures through an online data collection tool and a chart presentation tool, allowing monitoring of performance and opportunities for QI. A case study is also included.

In the Incubator: Using Social Determinants Data
In the Incubator:  Using Social Determinants Data

In the Incubator: Using Social Determinants Data

This mini-case study describes Petaluma Health Center, a Federally Qualified Health Center’s approach to incorporating social determinants data into their daily workflows.  They then used Tableau visualization to represent the data to enable them to target interventions in the community.  Petaluma’s lessons learned and next steps are discussed, and a link to the full, detailed case study is provided.

Before You Buy: A Checklist for Evaluating Your Analytics Vendor
Before You Buy: A Checklist for Evaluating Your Analytics Vendor

Before You Buy: A Checklist for Evaluating Your Analytics Vendor

This paper is designed to help you with your PHM analytics buying decision.  It outlines general criteria to help you assess a clinical analytics vendor; discusses the technology and change management an effective analytics solution should support; and introduces a Healthcare Analytics Adoption Model that will help you analyze vendors and evaluate your own plans for analytics adoption.
