Leadership Cultivation and Buy-In

Leadership Cultivation and Buy-In

Nine articles chosen to help leaders frame a business case for quality and health information technology initiatives to their peers and leaders.

Extreme Onboarding:
Extreme Onboarding:

Extreme Onboarding:

LinkedIn Blog post that describes benefits of onboarding and powerful examples of onboarding.

How Healthcare Visualizations Can Improve Organizational Buy-In

How Healthcare Visualizations Can Improve Organizational Buy-In

Data visualizations in many forms can be incredibly valuable in helping health center staff and leadership move from a passive understanding of the data to active support of health IT enabled, data driven quality improvement approaches. While introducing visualizations can create immediate value and understanding, ensuring that their full value is realized requires that stakeholders be fully engaged and understand how visualizations (such as dashboards) can support decision making.

Ask & Code: Documenting Homelessness Throughout the Health Care System
Ask & Code: Documenting Homelessness Throughout the Health Care System

Ask & Code: Documenting Homelessness Throughout the Health Care System

This webinar complemented our policy brief and discussed how the ICD-10-CM code for homelessness (Z59.0) was implemented at a Health Care for the Homeless grantee in Colorado, and how a hospital system instituted a housing status screening tool in Pennsylvania. A leading managed care entity shared why Medicaid plans need to have this information, and preliminary results from a pilot project in Texas using the Z59.0 code to identify homelessness among Medicaid beneficiaries were reviewed.

EHR Selection
EHR Selection

EHR Selection

A transcription of the October 11th HITEQ Highlights webinar.
