Sharing Behavioral Health Data over an HIE: Lessons Learned from a SAMHSA Grantee
Sharing Behavioral Health Data over an HIE: Lessons Learned from a SAMHSA Grantee

Sharing Behavioral Health Data over an HIE: Lessons Learned from a SAMHSA Grantee

Join the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), along with the Arizona Health-E Connection, for the fourth presentation in SAMHSA’s Quarterly Health IT Webinar Series! This interactive webinar will discuss lessons learned from the Opioid Treatment Program Service Continuity Project II (OTP SCP II), an initiative to share opioid treatment data through health information exchanges (HIEs) in cases of care discontinuity in a manner that is sensitive to privacy concerns under 42 CFR Part 2 regulations. Bring your questions and come prepared to learn!



Dina Passman, MPH, LCDR, USPHS, Team Lead, SAMHSA Health IT Team

Melissa Kotrys, MPH, CEO, Arizona Health-E Connection

Mike Mote, Chief Information Officer, Arizona Health-E Connection


REGISTER TODAY: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3315851469154633217


Providers and provider organizations are encouraged to attend.

Please send questions regarding webinar registration to: HealthITWebinars@abtassoc.com

Success Stories: Building a Robust Data Infrastructure that Supports Alternative Payment Models (APMs)
Success Stories: Building a Robust Data Infrastructure that Supports Alternative Payment Models (APMs)

Success Stories: Building a Robust Data Infrastructure that Supports Alternative Payment Models (APMs)

This LAN Learnings webinar will highlight two organizations that have used different data sharing infrastructure approaches in their market areas and provided benefits to multiple stakeholders including payers, providers and purchasers. Panelists David Kendrick of MyHealth Access Network, Tulsa OK and Mylia Christensen of Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation will address partnerships established, barriers overcome, sources of funding, lessons learned, and examples of data available to the various stakeholders.

Workforce Training for Health IT Professionals: Staying Current in the Changing Healthcare Environment
Workforce Training for Health IT Professionals: Staying Current in the Changing Healthcare Environment

Workforce Training for Health IT Professionals: Staying Current in the Changing Healthcare Environment

This Webinar will feature speakers from ONC and grantee communities, who will provide an update on the Workforce Training for Health IT Professionals program, including a spotlight on new training resources available for healthcare stakeholders. 

At the end of the Workforce Training Program webinar, participants will be able to: 
• Understand the history and accomplishments of the Workforce Training Program 
• Identify how to access current and updated instructional materials to help healthcare workers excel in new environments 
• Recognize the value of the new components added to the Workforce Training Program 

2/21 HITEQ Highlights - Population Health Data Strategies
2/21 HITEQ Highlights - Population Health Data Strategies

2/21 HITEQ Highlights - Population Health Data Strategies

This session will provide an overview of why data monitoring is important and what we mean when we talk about it. Then, participants will discuss considerations prior to taking on data monitoring including data validation, transparency, and committed resources. Finally, the session will share case studies from organizations that are currently engaging in various types of data monitoring, including organizations that are using population health management systems and other software solutions.

1/10 HITEQ Highlights - Health Information Exchange (HIE): Weighing the HIE Decision
1/10 HITEQ Highlights - Health Information Exchange (HIE): Weighing the HIE Decision

1/10 HITEQ Highlights - Health Information Exchange (HIE): Weighing the HIE Decision

Health centers are facing the complex question of whether and how to participate in health information exchange (HIE) given the changing health care environment and legal/financial requirements such as meaningful use. This webinar will seek to provide a balance view from industry leaders to help audiences understand the state of the art in health information exchange, possible benefits, challenges, and aid health centers to consider their particular situationin the context of the national environment.
